Soulmate|What spiritual love is


I was raised to believe in monogamy-one man to one woman, nothing more nothing less. I grew up with a nicely packaged and sealed idea of what love
is, what it should feel and look like. Oh was I wrong. Oh I was so foolishly headfirst wrong I thank the stars I did not crash because of this.

Along the way I got introduced to souls. It took me a good number of years to fully believe in this because of my naturally skeptical self. Thats when the realization of how dead wrong I was about love surfaced.

Only when we focus on each individual as a soul with body as oppose to body with soul will all this make a little sense.

Monogamy says the promise you make to your partner-to love and to hold, for better or worse in sickness and in health, you will keep till death do you apart. It says you’ll stick around and love only one man from now on until the end of time.

But soul focuses on fulfillment of purpose. Everything that soul with body experiences, good or bad, is to move towards change and better understanding of love. There are no rules, oaths or contracts that govern matters of soul. Soul operates on love, light and growth.

We are all pieces of souls that were part of one whole soul broken down into small, smaller and even smallest pieces of souls. When we speak of soulmates we speak of souls that were once one small piece but broken down into two three or four pieces. So your partner (soulmate) is more than just a partner-he is part of you, take him as a long lost arm or leg, thats how joined you are.

imageSoulmates are there to provide more than just long walks in parks. They awaken-they enlighten. A soulmate introduces you to your purpose or brings clarity to it. Soulmate will push you in fulfilling your purpose and walk you through it. Soulmates are rejoined with the main reason to help each other fulfill their individual purpose and to grow in what we call wisdom not to “love and hold till death do us apart”.

A soulmate does not hold value to the body. He lives beyond boarders of what we have been taught love is. Things like faithfulness and loyalty are all focused on possession-you are mine therefore you can’t do this. And a soulmate takes no possession nor authority. He is unburdening and freeing.

A soulmate does not get disappointed nor feel betrayed because those are feelings evoked by whats outside; its taking outside and bringing it inside whilst soulmate takes from inside and brings outside, feelings like love, care, forgiveness and support. Its YOU disappointed me versus I forgive you. YOU betrayed me versus I love you.


A soulmate will put himself at a “disadvantage” only to see you fulfill your purpose and grow in consciousness. What this means is I won’t hold you tighter than required. If the time comes for you to separate with me once again to further grow, I will graciously let you go. If the time comes for you to diverge and take a different liking that will widen your consciousness I will hold your hand and let you be because your fulfilling of your purpose, your growth and consciousness does not live and die with me.

A soulmate loves without conditions. So when we speak of soulmate we speak of someone who will do more than bring butterflies in your stomach or weaken your knees. We speak of the light that will shine so consistently bright. Light that can never be owned but shines only for you. Light that even if you don’t see it you feel it in the core because it is inside you, it is part of you, it is you.

By Mapule Dhlamini

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